Over 7 months after the Leopard 2 arrived to aid Ukraine, the Abrams also made its first appearance. Unfortunately this means that the front lines have consolidated and been hardened, meaning that the Abrams will have to face though fights ahead of it.
Non-functional (NF)not recovered
Abrams immobilized and burned by FPVs
2024.02.26 - 48.19259°N 37.65894°E
Turret ID: 3483-UKR
A word from the operator of the reconnaissance drone of the Alexandria brigade with the call sign “Luna”:
- Before this visit to Berdychi, the tank had already appeared there several times, a couple of days before the defeat. I managed to capture the moment when the ATGM crew of the special forces brigade worked on it, but the car was able to drive away without receiving significant damage.
That day, we routinely conducted reconnaissance and surveillance of the entrances to Berdychi and Semyonovka, worked in conjunction with our Kornet crew and the Kolovrat FPV drone crew. In the afternoon, on the highway between Novoselovka Pervaya and Semyonovka, I discovered a column of dust descending along the road to the east, towards the village. What was unusual about the target was that it was traveling at high speed along the road. After the vehicle arrived in Berdychi, it became clear that this was an Abrams tank. They immediately began preparing to hit him with a kamikaze drone. The tank managed to drive through all of Berdychi, the center of the village and was traveling between South and North streets to work on the positions of our attack aircraft. Before reaching them about 100 meters, the Piranha kamikaze drone hit the engine, stood up and caught fire. The crew began to abandon him. The drone's second hit caused fatal damage.
The tank's crew of 4 people was able to evacuate and, pursued by our artillery fire, disappeared among enemy positions. Only later, according to intercepted data, we learned that three crew members were injured, and the Abrams commander was destroyed during the evacuation.
Official report by the 47th Brigade:
Partial Usability (PU)not recovered
Abrams immobilized and hit by Artillery
2024.03.04 - 48.19495°N 37.5331°E
Limited Functionality (LF)captured
Abrams immobilized by mine and burned by FPVs
2024.03.05 - 48.19121°N 37.65427°E
Bradley fighting on a road gunning down russian infantry at close range.
Shortly after, an Abrams is destroyed there.
Official report by the 47th Brigade:
To the battalion commander REPORT I hereby report that during the execution of a combat mission in the area of BERDECHI, Pokrovsky district (53-40668, 74-00103) at 17:40 on 02.03.2024 tank #105 (factory number UKR 006), which was performing a combat mission according to the combat order of the commander of Nr. 1246/DSK dated 27.02.2023, the track broke as a result of which the car the ability to move and was abandoned by the crew.
Tank crew: Tank commander - Sergeant-in-Chief tank commander 2 tv 1tr sergeant Matsoha Maksym Valeriyovych Mechanic-driver - Senior mechanic-driver 3 tv 1tr junior sergeant Uvarov Vitaly Vitaliyovych Gunner - 2tv 1tr soldier Drachenko Dmytro Mykolayovych Loader - 2 tv 1tr soldier Stanislav Anatoliyovych Hurynets No wounds or contusions were received in the area of combat tasks
Lost the following property, which is calculated for 1tr tb in/h A4699 SERVICE BT 1. Tank ABRAMS M1A1 SA No. 105UKR 006 according to the assembly information of the act of technical condition and
1. Diesel fuel 1800 liters 2. Engine oil O156-30kg 3. Transmission oil 15W40-160 kg 4. Hydraulic fluid FH3-120 kg
This FPV drone struck the thin upper front plate, likely penetrating it. It is to be assumed that the driver was injured, however unless the fuel tanks were raptured, serve damage to the tank itself is unlikely.
Limited Functionality (LF)not recovered
Abrams hit by guided Artillery and FPVs
2024.06.07 - 48.23168°N 37.51685°E
Near Sokil
Non-functional (NF)not recovered
Abrams covered in dirt and burned
2024.06.09 - 48.2371°N 37.5655°E
Abrams covered in dirt, later destroyed. It is unclear what immobilized or later destroyed this tank.
2024.07.08 - The tank is now burned out.
Marginal Usability (MU)unknown
Abrams hit by FPV in the turret back
2024.06.11 - 48.21084°N 37.53683°E
This Abrams was hit by multiple FPV drones, causing a fire in the turret rear, the EAPU. Similar APU fires in iraq caused only limited damage, so the tank can likely be recovered
Unaffected (UA)operational
Abrams missed by FPV
FPV hits the ground behind the Abrams, it is improbable that this resulted in any damage to the vehicle.
Severely Impaired (SI)not recovered
Abrams destroyed by FPV
2024.07.07 - 48.23199°N 37.48367°E
This Abrams was hit by multiple FPV drones and suffered an isolated ammunition fire in the turret bustle. As a result of this the tank was immobilized and had to be abandoned.
Marginal Usability (MU)not recovered
Abrams hit by FPV
2024.07.23 - 48.24166°N 37.47143°E
Marginal Usability (MU)not recovered
Abrams hit in trench
2024.07.24 - 48.23519°N 37.47934°E
This Abrams attempted to maneuver on top of a trench line, got stuck and abandoned by its crew. Russia spotted this and exploited the situation by striking the tank with a laser guided artillery shell. In the videos below, you can see the artillery shell impact on the roof, right of the commander cupola. As a result the commanders cupola gets blown off along with the blow of panels of the turret bustle.
Close up inspection of the tank shows that the commanders cupola was blown off, in addition to the blowout panels of the turret bustle. Despite that, there is no evidence of a fire.
Still frame from the video shows the circular cupola getting blown off, while the other image shows the impact location on the tank.
Limited Functionality (LF)not recovered
Abrams immobilized by FPV
2024.08.12 - 48.20364°N 37.4276°E
Non-functional (NF)not recovered
Abrams immobilized by mine and destroyed
2024.08.12 - 48.20364°N 37.4276°E
The Ukraine crew can be seen abandoning the tank.
The tank was afterwards targeted by one FPV drone, but likely did not cause its destruction.
Analysis of the FPV impact
The videos show how an FPV drone impacts the right side of the tank near the rear of the crew compartment. As FPV drones often carry simple warheads and not tandem warheads, we assume that it is not likely that this impact resulted in the tank burning out. However as no other impacts can be seen we can not exclude the possibility. The Russian infantry claims to have destroyed it, showing off his weapon, but again we can not identify another impact on the tank.
Another video shows russian infantry behind the tank throwing a molotov at the tank. This indicates that the tank was likely not destroyed by an FPV or ATGM, but burned from the inside by molotov throw into the hatch or onto the tank. A later video shows russian infantry claiming to have destroyed it, with the tank burning in the background.
The destroyed tank up close.
Severely Impaired (SI)not recovered
Abrams burning
Abrams in Kursk
2024.10.21 - 51.32281°N 35.09376°E
Partial Usability (PU)captured
Abrams captured by russian forces
This Abrams was abandoned in a field and is nowing being secured by russian forces.
Abrams (parked) hit by fiber FPV drone
This FPV drone impacted a parked Abrams from the front, on the rear of the turret. The impact angle suggests that the RPG warhead was directed at the right side of the upper front plate - onto the right frontal fuel tank. In combination with the additional ERA blocks this impact likely did minimal damage.
Resilient Performance (RP)unknown
Abrams hit by fiber FPV drone from behind
A FPV drone landed a shallow hit on the left side of the turret. Due to the flat angle of the impact, the additional roof armor and the lack of key components in the area, we conclude that this likely only caused minimal damage.
Marginal Usability (MU)unknown
Abrams hit FPV drone and was immobilized
This abrams was hit by at least two FPV drones. The first drone hit ontop of the turret bustle from behind, ontop of ERA tiles. Based on the first hit location we can only conclude that this hit did not damage the engine, but possibliy some other electronics, forcing the crew to stop the tank. The second impact struck between hull and turret and likely caused more severe damage. In its last frame one can see a red glow coming from one of the hatches to the engine, suggesting a small engine fire.